Let’s face it toddlers aren’t exactly the quietest group of people. So when your child is silent for more than 5 seconds chances are it is probably not a good thing. You know how it goes, your kid is just out of eyesight, you are finally attempting to get something done without a small creature tugging at your pant leg, it is quiet and you think, “ahh, finally a quiet moment to myself” and then a half second later you think “oh crap, it’s quiet, what has he done?!” You are off running in a mad dash to avert a crisis and find The Silent Toddler. Chances are you are too late. I have a lot of experience in this area. My mischievous boy is also creative. The following are a few examples of the aftermath of quiet moments.
Rubbing Desitin all over his body and eating it (Poison Control Center gave us the A-Ok).
One wall covered with brown crayon, another wall with a green crayon motif.
Quinn playing “jump the pile of pee” (sadly, that one can also be called “today at 4pm”).
A brand new container of salt poured onto our dining room table.
Peanut butter and jelly in his sister’s hair.
Chicken salad in his other sister’s hair.
(I just asked my husband for more and he couldn’t come up with any. Yikes! I promise I really do pay attention to my kids!)
And drumroll please, his entire, and I mean entire, body covered with purple dot paints that were not washable.
What has your silent toddler done?