One of the experiences that helped shape who I am as a mother is our two years in New Hampshire while my husband was getting his MBA. During our time there I was surrounded by an amazing international community many whom I am honored to still call my friends. We shared recipes, stories and laughs when the language barriers caused us both to look completely confused. I hold this time close to my heart. One of my observations was how different cultures take time in the middle of the day to stop for tea. A cup of tea, a slice of cake and time. Time with friends. Time with family. Time with children. You can learn so much about yourself and those around you when you simply take the time to sit and sip warm tea. As a mother of three young children my life can be hectic, but I take the time to stop and have Tea Time with Kids.
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When I shared an article about tea around the world on the Homegrown Friends Facebook Page I was delighted by how many people were interested in creating a tea time with kids. Almost everyday in our home we stop for tea. My kids take pride in choosing their flavor. While the tea brews they get a stack of our favorite books and together we sit and sip and read. For about 30 minutes my energetic threesome is calm. Because the tea is quite warm my children have to slow down and truly be mindful of their actions. I love that tea time is also multigenerational. My children love when their Grampa or Grandma join us in the late afternoon at our dining room table.
One of my children’s favorite parts of our tea time is that we use real tea cups. Yes they are breakable, but I find that when we give children the respect of using the same materials as adults they rise to the occasion. In 6 years the only dish that has broke was done by the lady writing these words.
Begin with a nice set of tea cups and a tea kettle
Obviously you don’t want your kids bouncing off the walls after drinking caffeinated tea. Here are some of my children’s favorite teas.
Click on the images to purchase.
When we serve our tea my children like a little spoonful of raw honey and a splash of whole milk. There are so many decisions child don’t’ get to make during the day. Giving children ownership over something like how they take their tea is actually quite powerful.
It warms my heart to think many of you will stop during the day and enjoy a cup of tea with your kids. Life can be busy. May we take the time to truly enjoy it.
this is such a good idea! I’ve tried it before with hot chocolate and the drinks usually end up spilling everywhere and it’s a big chaotic mess. But maybe I’m approaching it wrong–maybe i need to focus on the calm and play nice music and make more of a ritual out of it like they do in Europe.
Great article! I’m definitely going to try this again!
So glad you liked the article. I hope it is as enjoyable for you as it is for us. Thanks for stopping by!
I love this! Where did you get your tea cups? I have four boys but everything I find is so girly!
My mom found these, but I believe they were second hand. I love them! They come in pale pink, yellow, orange and this blue-ish green.