Our weekly trips to the library never get old. There is always a new discovery or the comfort of an old favorite. Last week we happened to take home a few books with awesome teacher characters. The teachers who will remain part of your heart forever and inspire children for years to come. This list of Children’s Books Celebrating Great Teachers focuses on all the best qualities of teachers. Educators who recognize that there is often much more to their job than teaching facts. Teachers who care everyday for the hearts and minds of children. Hooray for teachers!
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The Art of Miss Chew Patricia Polacco

Demonstrating the importance of looking at the whole child and using a student’s strengths to support her challenges, Patricia Polacco shares her personal childhood story in The Art of Miss Chew. Polacco effortlessly celebrates teachers who understand that supporting emotional development is a necessary component to enhancing intellectual development.
Thank you, Mr. Falker Patricia Polacco

A book list on great teachers would not be complete without Thank You, Mr. Falker. Sharing her personal story of dyslexia, Polacco pays tribute to the teacher who transformed her learning experience by caring, helping and making her believe that she is not “dumb”.
Too Loud Lily Sophie Laguna
We all know the child that is just too loud and is always being told to quiet down. Too Loud Lily demonstrates what can happen if we take a child’s “negative” action and turn it into a positive. Guess what? The child starts to feel better about herself!
Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse Kevin Henkes
Mr. Slinger is one of those teachers you hope your child will get or maybe the teacher you want to be. In Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse the classroom is full of creativity and joy. Mr. Slinger is a nurturing teacher who also understands the importance of classroom management and discipline. When Lily makes a mistake Mr. Slinger responds appropriately giving Lily the opportunity to learn and grow while maintaining her pride.
Chrysanthemum Kevin Henkes
In the story of Chrysanthemum the main character, Chrysanthemum, is picked on by her classmates about her unique name. While her teacher makes weak attempts at mellowing the bullying, it is not until a new music teacher arrives that Chrysanthemum’s school life improves. Mrs. Dephinium Twinkle, in a gentle manner, squashes the bullying celebrating Chrysanthemum and all children for what they are- unique individuals.
The Dot Peter Reynolds
How many times have you heard someone say “I can’t draw”? What if they had a teacher that said “Just make a mark and see where it takes you.”? The Dot celebrates teachers who gently encourage children out of their comfort zones to unravel areas of talent they may not even know exist.
Willow Denise Brennan-Nelson and Rosemarie Brennan
Great teachers are the ones who have the confidence to learn from their students and grow into better educators. Willow portrays the story of a young girl quite different from her teacher. Instead of causing conflict the teacher, Miss Hawthorn, learns that encouraging creativity and thinking outside the box helps her students (and herself) flourish!
Crow Boy Taro Yashima
The story of Crow Boy depicts Chibi, the main character, as a shy boy who is made fun of by the other students. In a small Japananese village Chibi travels far to come to school each day only to feel sad and alone. Finally a teacher celebrates his talents. The children are genuinely sorry for their horrible actions and learn the importance of caring for each other.