When my husband was receiving his MBA I had the pleasure of becoming friends with women from all over the world. Through shared meals, long walks and plenty of laughter I gained a deep respect and understanding for these women and their cultures. One of the things that stuck out with me was how incredibly nurturing other cultures are to new mothers both in terms of their countries’ laws and the individual ways family and friends support new moms. Their loving support when I became a new mom is my reminder to pay it forward with Care Packages for New Parents.
The current state of the United States’ maternity leave coverage versus other countries demonstrates this discrepancy.
photo via Think Progress
While I wish I could snap my fingers and provide better maternity coverage giving parents the ability to spend more of the crucial weeks of bonding with their babies I believe there are certain steps we can take to make sure we are helping new parents ease into their new roles. When I was pregnant with my first child I remember some of my friends being surprised that my mother did not come and live with me for at least 3 months. I learned that in other parts of the world pregnant women and new mothers are doted on receiving foot rubs, having others take care of laundry and cooking realizing that the most important role for a new mother is to bond with her baby. Everything else can wait. Knowing how important nutrition is to pregnant women and new mothers my friend’s mom made me a huge batch of her spicy lemon lentil rice. My absolute favorite Indian food. While the food was delicious (oh, I’d love some right now!) knowing that Swathi’s mom took the time to cook just for me warmed my heart.
We need to slow down and make simple gestures to nurture each other as women and mothers (and fathers too). Cooking a meal for a new parent is a perfect way to reach out. My friend Whitney recently gave birth to the sweetest little boy. I put together this dinner care package for her. When putting together a dinner it is important to think about a few things.
1) Always ask ahead of time if there are any diet restrictions or any food they are craving!
2) Put all food in disposable containers. This is not the time to be green. New parents do not need to be worrying about doing the dishes or figuring out how to return containers to you.
3) Create a full meal. I packed spaghetti and meatballs, a simple garden salad, a baguette, chocolate chip cookies and I always include a chocolate bar. All moms deserve lots of chocolate!
4) Include napkins, disposable utensils and plates.
5) Using a cardboard box to pack everything makes the travel easy .
If I am not within driving distance to a new parent I am a big fan of sending breakfast items from Wolferman’s. I mail packages of their english muffins (so many varieties!) plus jars of jam and peanut butter. The English muffins can be frozen. Perfect for quick meals when new parents are exhausted with only one arm free.
For all the parents reading this be proud of yourselves. We make mistakes. We question our decisions during the craziest hours of the night. We feel joy in the smallest achievements. We worry about the smallest scrapes.
But… we are doing it. We are creating and raising children. Let us support each other and celebrate this everyday.