I’ll admit it, prior to becoming a parent I criticized other parents. Looked at them with a critical judging eye. Made mental notes of how I would do things differently, and of course better. Ha, and then I became a parent. The parenting books lay in a stack on my coffee table and I sat exhausted holding this tiny being while the faint smell of puke wafted through the air. The “Mommy Wars” were quite popular when my son Quinn was born. Every magazine, blogs and parents wanted to have their moment to weigh in on what was best and who was doing a really bad job at this parenting gig.
Here is what I quickly came to realize. While the Mommy Wars were being fought we were all losing a more important battle. We were losing the battle of supporting each other as parents. If we are really all about what is best for children then we need to be looking out for each other. Here are 25 Ways to Support Moms and Dads.
1. Hold the door open for the parent pushing the stroller. You’d be amazed how many people do not.
2. Smile at the woman breastfeeding in the park. This may be the first time she has courageously breastfed in public.
3. Tell the mother struggling with her children in public that you’ve been there and she is doing a great job. Ask to help.
4. Help the father in the grocery line put his food up on the checkout counter. It is hard work juggling children.
5. Share the happy stories more than you share the struggles. Happiness is contagious.
6. Drop off a full meal to a new parent. Leave it at the door and text her to let her know it’s there. She may be resting or enjoying a peaceful moment. Let her have it.
7. Be a listening ear.
8. As much as you want to stare at the kid flipping out in public don’t do it. It doesn’t help. Ever.
9. Mail a letter. Yes a real letter. Let a friend know she is an amazing mom and you are thinking of her.
10. Be honest when speaking about parenthood. Some times parenting is hard and that is okay.
11. Invite the family that is new to town over. Parenting can be lonely.
12. Offer to take a mom’s grocery cart back to the store for her.
13. Call a friend when you are at the store and ask if they need anything.
14. Offer to watch a friend’s kids for an hour or two. No strings attached.
15. Don’t judge. You never have the full story.
16. Visit a new mom. Let her cuddle her baby. Clean her kitchen.
17. Invite the stay-at-home dad to your playdates. He gets left behind too often.
18. Talk to the parent sitting by herself at the playground.
19. Mail a package of fun things to a friend’s kids. This may be the perfect way for her to drink a hot cup of coffee while her kids play with new fun!
20. Resist the urge to gossip about other parents. It is toxic.
21. Bake cookies for a friend. Or buy an amazing cupcake. Either way share something sweet and amazing.
22. Don’t judge the parent walking through the store with the PJ clad kid with no shoes. Come on, we’ve all been there.
23. Nurture each other.
24. Support each other.
25. Celebrate each other.